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Metaphorically Speaking, A Dictionary of 3,800 Picturesque Idiomatic Expressions, Renton N.E., 1990

14.11.22 10:55
Metaphorically Speaking, A Dictionary of 3,800 Picturesque Idiomatic Expressions, Renton N.E., 1990.

   Metaphors which have the community’s seal of approval roll off the tongue so readily that by any yardstick they are invariably thick on the ground. A person in the pink who plays his cards right and who takes up the cudgels for the cause will without going overboard or changing tack find an avalanche of metaphors under his very nose. Unless he puts a foot wrong or goes off half-cocked he will regard them all as useful tools and as grist to his mill. He will already be in the picture and will not need to engage in a witch-hunt or rely on the grapevine in order to put his finger on them.
Without matters getting out of hand or losing any momentum it stands out a mile that metaphors are in the blood of every Tom, Dick and Harry worth his salt and willing to show the flag. Many expressions have been gathering dust for donkey’s years and are so much a hallmark of our society that their down to earth use at the drop of a hat does not ring a bell or cause any eyebrows to be raised.

Metaphorically Speaking, A Dictionary of 3,800 Picturesque Idiomatic Expressions, Renton N.E., 1990
Скачать и читать Metaphorically Speaking, A Dictionary of 3,800 Picturesque Idiomatic Expressions, Renton N.E., 1990

An Intermediate English Practice Book, Pit Corder S., 1960

14.11.22 10:41
An Intermediate English Practice Book, Pit Corder S., 1960.

   The exercises in this book are meant for all students who hav.e reached the intermediate level of English, and they have been specially designed for those who are preparing to take the Cambridge Lower Certificate Examination in English. I have also tried to include practice in as many language skills as is possible between the covers of a single book.

An Intermediate English Practice Book, Pit Corder S., 1960
Скачать и читать An Intermediate English Practice Book, Pit Corder S., 1960

Самоучитель английского языка, Владиславова А.В., Либерзон В.Д., Чеснокова В.И., 1970

14.11.22 10:25
Самоучитель английского языка, Владиславова А.В., Либерзон В.Д., Чеснокова В.И., 1970

   Настоящий «Самоучитель» предназначен для изучения английского языка без помощи преподавателя. Он рассчитан на учащихся, ранее занимавшихся английским языком и имевших перерыв в учебе.
«Самоучитель» построен в соответствии с требованиями программы по иностранным языкам для неязыковых высших учебных заведений и может быть использован на заочных отделениях неязыкового профиля с гуманитарным направлением.
«Самоучитель» ставит своей задачей научить учащихся читать и переводить английскую художественную литературу средней трудности, а также развить некоторые навыки разговорной речи.

Самоучитель английского языка, Владиславова А.В., Либерзон В.Д., Чеснокова В.И.
Скачать и читать Самоучитель английского языка, Владиславова А.В., Либерзон В.Д., Чеснокова В.И., 1970

Без них не обойтись в английской разговорной речи, Памухина Л.Г., Шах-Назарова В.С., Шелкова Т.Г., 1969

14.11.22 10:11
Без них не обойтись в английской разговорной речи, Памухина Л.Г., Шах-Назарова В.С., Шелкова Т.Г., 1969.

   Настоящая работа представляет собой учебное пособие для лиц, совершенствующихся в английском языке и ставящих себе целью развитие навыка практического владения им. Оно может быть использовано также студентами институтов и факультетов иностранных языков и преподавателями английского языка средней школы.
Авторами отобраны наиболее употребительные адвербиально-предложные сочетания двадцати шести английских глаголов. Поскольку авторы данного пособия ставили перед собой чисто практическую задачу, они не останавливались на вопросе о природе и сущности второго компонента.

Без них не обойтись в английской разговорной речи, Памухина Л.Г., Шах-Назарова В.С., Шелкова Т.Г., 1969
Скачать и читать Без них не обойтись в английской разговорной речи, Памухина Л.Г., Шах-Назарова В.С., Шелкова Т.Г., 1969

BBC Business English, Owen R.

14.11.22 10:03
BBC Business English, Owen R.

   BBC Business English will help you to improve your English. It is suitable for anyone who has studied English to intermediate level or above, and who wants to use English at work. It is designed for people who want to study English on their own, in their spare time or while they are travelling.

BBC Business English, Owen R.
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Just, Listening and Speaking, Acavedo A., Lethaby C., Harmer J., 2007

14.11.22 09:53
Just, Listening and Speaking, Acavedo A., Lethaby C., Harmer J., 2007.

   Just Listening and Speaking is designed for individual skills development as part of either a classroom-based course or a self-study programme. The approach is learner-centred, and each unit has clear aims, motivating topics and interesting practice activities.
Just Listening and Speaking is for Pre-Intermediate learners and can be used as general preparation material for exams at this level.

Just, Listening and Speaking, Acavedo A., Lethaby C., Harmer J., 2007
Скачать и читать Just, Listening and Speaking, Acavedo A., Lethaby C., Harmer J., 2007

New English File, Elementary Test Booklet, Quintana J.

14.11.22 09:42
New English File, Elementary Test Booklet, Quintana J.

Фрагмент из книги.
My name’s Carmen Garcia and I’m a student at King’s School, which is a language school in Glasgow. I’m Spanish, from Madrid, but my mother is French. She’s a teacher in Madrid. The students at King’s School are from many different countries. I’m in a class which has students from Japan, Mexico, Germany, and Italy. It’s really interesting to meet so many different people. The director of the school is British, but my teacher is American. She’s from New York and her name’s Helen. She’s very nice and she’s an excellent teacher. Her classes are always great fun. Jose and Karl are probably my best friends in the class. Jose is from Mexico and Karl is from Berlin, in Germany. We always speak English together because that’s the best way to learn.

New English File, Elementary Test Booklet, Quintana J.
Скачать и читать New English File, Elementary Test Booklet, Quintana J.

Picture Grammar for Children, Starter, Vale D., 1999

13.11.22 17:27
Picture Grammar for Children, Starter, Vale D., 1999.

   Picture Grammar for Children is a lively and colourful grammar practice series for young learners. It's fun to use and easy to teach and is compatible with any course. Grammar is presented in an original and appealing way through vocabulary-rich topic-based spreads which are followed by a range of grammar practice activities.

Picture Grammar for Children, Starter, Vale D., 1999
Скачать и читать Picture Grammar for Children, Starter, Vale D., 1999
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