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Real Listening & Speaking 4 with answers, Craven M., 2008

26.12.22 11:31
Real Listening & Speaking 4 with answers, Craven M., 2008.  

Do you feel unprepared for everyday life in an English-speaking world? Then Real Listening & Speaking could be just what you need. Cambridge English Skills is a four-level skills series specially designed for adults and young adults wanting to communicate confidently in English wherever they are - at home, at work, travelling, studying or socialising with English-speaking friends.

Real Listening & Speaking 4 with answers, Craven M., 2008
Скачать и читать Real Listening & Speaking 4 with answers, Craven M., 2008

Artificial Intelligence for Marketing, Practical Applications, Sterne J., 2017

26.12.22 11:25
Artificial Intelligence for Marketing, Practical Applications, Sterne J., 2017.

   Forewords to books can play a variety of roles. One is to describe in more general terms what the book is about. That’s not really necessary, since Jim Sterne is a master at communicating complex topics in relatively simple terms.
Another common purpose is to describe how the book fits into the broader literature on the topic. That doesn’t seem necessary in this case, either, since there isn’t much literature on artificial intelligence (AI) for marketing, and even if there were, you’ve probably turned to this book to get one easy-to-consume source.

Artificial Intelligence for Marketing, Practical Applications, Sterne J., 2017
Купить бумажную или электронную книгу и скачать и читать Artificial Intelligence for Marketing, Practical Applications, Sterne J., 2017

IVAPeko estilo liburua, Arakama J.M., Arrieta A., Lozano J., 2009

26.12.22 11:13
IVAPeko estilo liburua, Arakama J.M., Arrieta A., Lozano J., 2009.

   Esku artean duzun liburua IVAPerako dago diseinatuta, eta IVAPen izango dute eragina bertan esandakoek; dena dela, ziur naiz lagungarri izango zaiola Euskal Herri osoko makina bat administraziori. Hona, bada, gure eskaintza, euskaraz lan egin nahi duten guztiontzat.Irakur dezagun arretaz gure estilo-liburu berria, eta ahalegindu gaitezen bertan esandakoak betetzen. Hitz batean, izan bedi egia gure mahaiko egutegiak dioena: “Nik Administrazioan ere euskaraz”.

IVAPeko estilo liburua, Arakama J.M., Arrieta A., Lozano J., 2009
Скачать и читать IVAPeko estilo liburua, Arakama J.M., Arrieta A., Lozano J., 2009

Математическая теория упругости, Ляв А., 1927

26.12.22 11:13
Математическая теория упругости, Ляв А., 1927.  

Эта книга выходит в четвертом издании, впервые она появилась под тем же названием в двух томах. Когда потребовалось второе издание, книга была почти полностью переработана, и казалось уже, что для следующих изданий не нужны будут столь значительные пересмотры. Но в интервалах между изданиями, с одной стороны, появились новые исследования, а с другой — автор ознакомился с некоторыми старыми работами, раньше, ему неизвестными. Случилось, например, так, что большое количество литературы-, вышедшей до третьего издания и в годы 1914-1918, не могло быть использовано для этого издания. Желательно, конечно, дать некоторый , обзор этих исследований, но при этом объем книги слишком увеличился бы. Автор, однако, стремился к тому, чтобы ограничить это увеличение объема известными пределами. Вместе с тем ои надеется все же представить достаточно полно предмет с различных точек зрения, так как эта математическая теория имеет большое значение и для общей физики и для техники.

Математическая теория упругости, Ляв А., 1927
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Advanced english, Idioms phrasal verbs, Vocabulary phrases, Allans R.

26.12.22 10:59
Advanced english, Idioms phrasal verbs, Vocabulary phrases, Allans R.

Фрагмент из книги.
Who knows what the future will bring? Only time will tell. It's hard to predict how this law will really impact people's lives—only time will tell.
Time will tell whether the film is truly considered a success. Some flops go on to become cult favorites.

Advanced english, Idioms phrasal verbs, Vocabulary phrases, Allans R.
Скачать и читать Advanced english, Idioms phrasal verbs, Vocabulary phrases, Allans R.

A Practical Guide to Indie Game Marketing, Dreskin J., 2016

26.12.22 10:51
A Practical Guide to Indie Game Marketing, Dreskin J., 2016.

   Welcome to A Practical Guide to Indie Game Marketing! “Practical Guide” is a central principle driving the approach to this book. These pages provide tools and tactics for marketing your indie games, drawn from game marketing plans, case studies and seasoned industry veterans.
Marketing is nearly as critical for new indies’ success as the games themselves. This book focuses on providing insights, key concepts and tools for effectively building visibility and interest in your games—whether you choose to market them yourself, hire specialists, work with agencies or sign with publishers.

A Practical Guide to Indie Game Marketing, Dreskin J., 2016
Скачать и читать A Practical Guide to Indie Game Marketing, Dreskin J., 2016

Complete English, Grammar-B2, Grammar booklet, Mancino P.

26.12.22 10:43
Complete English, Grammar-B2, Grammar booklet, Mancino P.

Фрагмент из книги.
The modal verbs are: can, could, may, might, must, ought to, will, would, shall, should. They take no -s In the third person singular. She can sing well. They come before the subject in questions and are followed by “not” in negations. "May I use your phone?” “I'm afraid you can’t”. The modal verbs, except for “ought”, are followed by an infinitive without to. You ought to be there on time. Certain verbs and expressions have virtually the same meaning as some modals. These are: need (= must), had better (= should), have to/have got to (= must), be able to (= can), used to (= would) etc. You’d better go. Modal verbs are used to express: ability, advice, criticism, logical assumptions, necessity, offers, obligation/duty, permission, possibility, prohibition, requests or suggestions.

Complete English, Grammar-B2, Grammar booklet, Mancino P.
Скачать и читать Complete English, Grammar-B2, Grammar booklet, Mancino P.

English File, Advanced Plus, Teachers Guide, Latham-Koenig C., Oxenden C., Chomacki K., 2021

26.12.22 10:31
English File, Advanced Plus, Teachers Guide, Latham-Koenig C., Oxenden C., Chomacki K., 2021.

   English File gets your students talking 90% of teachers who took part in an Oxford Impact study found that English File improves students' speaking skills. The Teacher's Guide with Teacher's Resource Centre gives you everything you need to create flexible lessons that work for your students.

English File, Advanced Plus, Teachers Guide, Latham-Koenig C., Oxenden C., Chomacki K., 2021
Скачать и читать English File, Advanced Plus, Teachers Guide, Latham-Koenig C., Oxenden C., Chomacki K., 2021
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