
JavaScript for Kids, Morgan N., 2014

JavaScript for Kids, Morgan N., 2014.

   JavaScript is the programming language of the Internet, the secret sauce that makes the Web awesome, your favorite sites interactive, and online games fun!
JavaScript for Kids is a lighthearted introduction that teaches programming essentials through patient, step-by-step examples paired with funny illustrations. You’ll begin with the basics, like working with strings, arrays, and loops, and then move on to more advanced topics, like building interactivity with jQuery and drawing graphics with Canvas.

JavaScript for Kids, Morgan N., 2014
Скачать и читать JavaScript for Kids, Morgan N., 2014

Introducing Python, Modern Computing in Simple Packages, Second edition, Lubanovic B., 2020

Introducing Python, Modern Computing in Simple Packages, Second edition, Lubanovic B., 2020.

   As the title promises, this book will introduce you to one of the world’s most popular programming languages: Python. It’s aimed at beginning programmers as well as more experienced programmers who want to add Python to the languages they already know.
In most cases, it’s easier to learn a computer language than a human language. There’s less ambiguity and fewer exceptions to keep in your head. Python is one of the most consistent and clear computer languages. It balances ease of learning, ease of use, and expressive power.

Introducing Python, Modern Computing in Simple Packages, Second edition, Lubanovic B., 2020
Скачать и читать Introducing Python, Modern Computing in Simple Packages, Second edition, Lubanovic B., 2020

Introducing Python, Modern Computing in Simple Packages, Lubanovic B., 2015

Introducing Python, Modern Computing in Simple Packages, Lubanovic B., 2015.

   This book will introduce you to the Python programming language. Its aimed at beginning programmers, but even if you’ve written programs before and just want to add Python to your list of languages, Introducing Python will get you started.
It's an unhurried introduction, taking small steps from the basics to more involved and varied topics. I mix cookbook and tutorial styles to explain new terms and ideas, but not too many at once. Real Python code is included early and often.

Introducing Python, Modern Computing in Simple Packages, Lubanovic B., 2015
Скачать и читать Introducing Python, Modern Computing in Simple Packages, Lubanovic B., 2015

Head First Python, Barry P., 2017

Head First Python, Barry P., 2017.

   Want to learn the Python language without slogging your way through howto manuals? With Head First Python, you’ll quickly grasp Python’s fundamentals, working with the built-in data structures and functions. Then you’ll move on to building your very own webapp, exploring database management, exception handling, and data wrangling. If you’re intrigued by what you can do with context managers, decorators, comprehensions, and generators, it’s all here. This second edition is a complete learning experience that will help you become a Python programmer in no time.

Head First Python, Barry P., 2017
Скачать и читать Head First Python, Barry P., 2017

Head First JavaScript Programming, Freeman E., Robson E., 2014

Head First JavaScript Programming, Freeman E., Robson E., 2014.

   This brain-friendly guide teaches you everything from JavaScript language fundamentals to advanced topics, including objects, functions, and the browser’s document object model. You won’t just be reading—you’ll be playing games, solving puzzles, pondering mysteries, and interacting with JavaScript in ways you never imagined. And you’ll write real code, lots of it, so you can start building your own web applications.

Head First JavaScript Programming, Freeman E., Robson E., 2014
Скачать и читать Head First JavaScript Programming, Freeman E., Robson E., 2014

Head First C#, Stellman A., Greene J., 2013

Head First C#, Stellman A., Greene J., 2013.

   Head First C# is a complete learning experience for programming with C#, XAML, the .NET Framework, and Visual Studio. Built for your brain, this book keeps you engaged from the first chapter, where you’ll build a fully functional video game. After that, you’ll learn about classes and object-oriented programming, draw graphics and animation, query your data with LINQ, and serialize it to files. And you'll do it all by building games, solving puzzles, and doing hands-on projects. By the time you’re done you’ll be a solid C# programmer, and you'll have a great time along the way!

Head First C#, Stellman A., Greene J., 2013
Скачать и читать Head First C#, Stellman A., Greene J., 2013

Технология программирования на C++, Win32 API-приложения, Литвиненко Н.А., 2010

Технология программирования на C++, Win32 API-приложения, Литвиненко Н.А., 2010.

Изложен начальный курс низкоуровневого программирования на C++ для Windows с использованием библиотеки Win32 API. Рассмотрены графический интерфейс Windows-приложения, стандартные диалоговые окна, элементы управления, растровая графика, DLL-библиотеки, процессы и потоки. Материал иллюстрирован многочисленными примерами, выполненными в Visual Studio 2010 под управлением Windows 7.

Технология программирования на C++, Win32 API-приложения, Литвиненко Н.А., 2010

Купить бумажную или электронную книгу и скачать и читать Технология программирования на C++, Win32 API-приложения, Литвиненко Н.А., 2010

Coding with JavaScript For Dummies, Minnick C., Holland E., 2015

Coding with JavaScript For Dummies, Minnick C., Holland E., 2015.

   This book is a friendly and approachable guide to getting started with writing JavaScript code. As programming languages go, JavaScript is fairly easy to pick up and start using. Because it’s so accessible, many people who started as web page authors have found themselves in the position of being responsible for maintaining, modifying, and writing JavaScript code. If that describes you, this book will quickly and easily bring you up to speed.
Whether you know a little JavaScript or you’ve never seen it, this book shows you how to write JavaScript the right way.

Coding with JavaScript For Dummies, Minnick C., Holland E., 2015
Купить бумажную или электронную книгу и скачать и читать Coding with JavaScript For Dummies, Minnick C., Holland E., 2015
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