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Streetwise Russian, Speak and Understand Everyday Russian, Franke J., 2010

23.01.23 12:43
Streetwise Russian, Speak and Understand Everyday Russian, Franke J., 2010.

   The principal aim of Streetwise Russian is to provide a glimpse into Russian slang at the dawn of the 21st century. This book is not designed for students who are just beginning their journey into the Russian language and culture, but rather for students who have a good foundation in Russian — normally accomplished in one to two years of formal Russian study. Nevertheless, beginning students with limited Russian proficiency can benefit from the contextual examples, colloquial expressions, and cultural notes in the book.

Streetwise Russian, Speak and Understand Everyday Russian, Franke J., 2010
Скачать и читать Streetwise Russian, Speak and Understand Everyday Russian, Franke J., 2010

Focus on grammar 3, Workbook, Fuchs M., 2000

23.01.23 12:29
Focus on grammar 3, Workbook, Fuchs M., 2000.

   Marjorie Fuchs has taught ESL at New York City Technical College and LaGuardia Community College of the City University of New York and EFL at the Sprach Studio Lingua Nova in Munich, Germany. She holds a Masters Degree in Applied English Linguistics and a certificate in TESOL from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She has authored or coauthored many widely used ESL textbooks, notably On Your Way: Building Basic Skills in English, Crossroads, Top Twenty ESL Word Games, Around the World: Pictures for Practice, Families: Ten Card Games for Language Learners, Focus on Grammar: A High-Intermediate Course for Reference and Practice, and the Workbooks to the Longman Dictionary of American English, the Longman Photo Dictionary, The Oxford Picture Dictionary, and the Vistas series.

Focus on grammar 3, Workbook, Fuchs M., 2000
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Английский язык, 2 класс, Enjoy english, Students book, Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубанева Н.Н., 2019

23.01.23 12:18
Английский язык, 2 класс, Enjoy english, Students book, Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубанева Н.Н., 2019.

   Новое издание учебных пособий для начальной, основной и средней школы соответствует ФГОС, полностью сохраняет традиции, структуру и методические особенности курса Enjoy English, получившего признание учителей и школьников, содержит сбалансированную эффективную систему обучения устной и письменной речи на английском языке, современные тексты разных жанров и стилей, направлено на развитие познавательной активности и самостоятельности обучающихся, использует инновационную систему контроля и самоконтроля, ориентировано на достижение планируемых результатов ФГОС и общее речевое и культурное развитие учащихся, позволяет эффективно готовить школьников к итоговой аттестации в формате ОГЭ и ЕГЭ.

Английский язык, 2 класс, Enjoy english, Students book, Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубанева Н.Н., 2019
Скачать и читать Английский язык, 2 класс, Enjoy english, Students book, Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубанева Н.Н., 2019

English in mind 4, Students book, Puchta H., Stranks J., Lewis-Jones P.

23.01.23 12:08
English in mind 4, Students book, Puchta H., Stranks J., Lewis-Jones P.

Фрагмент из книги.
I understand exactly how you feel - I left school at 16 to work in a supermarket. My parents thought it was a bad idea. They told me I should stay at school and get the best education possible. For a couple of years it was great. I had more money than my friends, could spend more time with my boyfriend and, of course, I didn’t have to go to school. Two years later they all finished school and went off to university, while I was still stuck at home living with my parents. For five years I wished I hadn’t left school so early. I wished I had done the same as my friends. Then one day I realised that it wasn’t too late. I enrolled at night school and three years later I proudly took myself off to university to start my journalism course. Since then I’ve never had a single regret about my professional life.

English in mind 4, Students book, Puchta H., Stranks J., Lewis-Jones P.
Скачать и читать English in mind 4, Students book, Puchta H., Stranks J., Lewis-Jones P.

English in mind 2, Teachers resource book, Hart B., Rinvolucri M.

23.01.23 12:01
English in mind 2, Teachers resource book, Hart B., Rinvolucri M.

   This section is designed to serve as a review, giving students the opportunity to revise and practise language they already know and It is also a tool for teachers to find out how much students know already and which areas students may need to do more work on before continuing with the course.

English in mind 2, Teachers resource book, Hart B., Rinvolucri M.
Скачать и читать English in mind 2, Teachers resource book, Hart B., Rinvolucri M.

English in mind 1, Workbook, Puchta H., Stranks J.

23.01.23 11:52
English in mind 1, Workbook, Puchta H., Stranks J.

Фрагмент из книги.
You have to match each person with two activities. Which activities will go together, do you think? For example, go dancing is the fifth activity - is there any other activity in the list that will go with this?

English in mind 1, Workbook, Puchta H., Stranks J.
Скачать и читать English in mind 1, Workbook, Puchta H., Stranks J.

Vocabulary in practice 5, Driscoll L., Pye G., 2005

23.01.23 11:44
Vocabulary in practice 5, Driscoll L., Pye G., 2005.

   Vocabulary in Practice 5 is a book for students who want to practise vocabulary in a fun way. Level 5 has about 600 useful words for intermediate to upper-intermediate students.

Vocabulary in practice 5, Driscoll L., Pye G., 2005
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