английский язык

Английские слова в картинках и упражнениях, Кирпиченкова Е.П., 1997

Английские слова в картинках и упражнениях, Кирпиченкова Е.П., 1997.

Что нужно для того, чтобы научиться говорить на иностранном языке? В первую очередь, надо выучить много иностранных слов. В книге, которую вы сейчас держите в руках, иллюстрируются 232 английских слова. Если вы уже знаете английский алфавит и знакомы с транскрипцией, то выучить их не составит большого труда — ведь они представлены в веселых картинках и занимательных упражнениях. Для того чтобы проверить, насколько прочно усвоены новые слова, попробуйте перевести их на русский язык в словарике в конце книги.

Английские слова в картинках и упражнениях, Кирпиченкова Е.П., 1997
Скачать и читать Английские слова в картинках и упражнениях, Кирпиченкова Е.П., 1997

Excel for Kazakhstan, Grade 5, Student`s book, Evans V., Dooley J., Obee B., 2017

Excel for Kazakhstan (Grade 5), Student`s book, Evans V., Dooley J., Obee B., 2017.

Excel for Kazakhstan is a task-based English course of five levels based on the Common European Framework of Reference and designed for learners studying English at CEFR levels A1 to low-rnid B1.
Excel for Kazakhstan develops all four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) through a variety of communicative tasks, and systematically recycles key language items. Above all, it is designed to promote active (activating all new vocabulary and structures in meaningful, everyday and cross-cultural contexts), holistic (encouraging the creative collective use of students' brains as well as the linguistic analytical use of their brains) and humanistic (acquiring and practising language through pleasant tasks and topics, paying attention to their needs, feelings and desires) ways of learning.

Excel for Kazakhstan (Grade 5), Student`s book, Evans V., Dooley J., Obee B., 2017
Скачать и читать Excel for Kazakhstan, Grade 5, Student`s book, Evans V., Dooley J., Obee B., 2017

How to Turn $100 nto $1 000 000, McKenna J., Glista J., Fontaine M., 2016

How to Turn $100 nto $1 000 000, McKenna J., Glista J., Fontaine M., 2016.

   Tis possible to be poor and happy, or rich and sad, but people who are financially independent have a lot less to worry about than people who are crushed by debt or struggling to pay the bills each month.
Although this book is all about making enough to live a comfortable existence, we hope you realize it’s also about enjoying the journey and having fun while you learn to make your million. We also hope you share what
you’ve learned. Maybe by becoming financially independent you’re better able to support your community, help lift others out of poverty, and get more kids on the path to financial security. Maybe you’ll be so successful, you’ll write your own book on how to earn, save, and invest your way to $10 million! And just think, it all started with a goal of saving $100.
Whatever your future, we hope you find financial success and happiness. So get out there and give it your best shot. We’ll be here cheering you on while you turn $100 into $1 million.

How to Turn $100 nto $1 000 000, McKenna J., Glista J., Fontaine M., 2016
Скачать и читать How to Turn $100 nto $1 000 000, McKenna J., Glista J., Fontaine M., 2016

Grammar of the Shot, Bowen C.J., 2018

Grammar of the Shot, Bowen C.J., 2018.

   The newly revised and updated fourth edition of Grammar of the Shot teaches readers the principles behind successful visual communication in motion media through shot composition, screen direction, depth cues, lighting, camera movement, and shooting for editing. Many general practices are suggested that should help to create rich, multilayered visuals. Designed as an easy-to-use guide, Grammar of the Shot presents each topic succinctly with clear photographs and diagrams illustrating key concepts, practical exercises, and quiz questions, and is a staple of any filmmaker's library.

Grammar of the Shot, Bowen C.J., 2018
Скачать и читать Grammar of the Shot, Bowen C.J., 2018

Enterprise Games, Using Game Mechanics to Build a Better Business, Hugos M., 2012

Enterprise Games, Using Game Mechanics to Build a Better Business, Hugos M., 2012.

Games are playing a crucial role in many successful businessesnot just in PR and marketing, but as a model for designing business systems and workflows. In this book, Michael Hugos provides compelling case studies that demonstrate how game mechanics enable companies to respond quickly to challenges in todays real-time economy. Its not about giving workers a smiley face for producing more widgets. Youll discover how game mechanicsparticularly popular multiplayer video games—provide field-tested best practices for engaging workers in creative and complex activities. With games, your company can shift from an outmoded top-down hierarchy to an agile network structure that promotes coordination over control.

Enterprise Games, Using Game Mechanics to Build a Better Business, Hugos M., 2012
Скачать и читать Enterprise Games, Using Game Mechanics to Build a Better Business, Hugos M., 2012

Encyclopedia of Latin America, Amerindians through foreign colonization, Francis J.M., 2010

Encyclopedia of Latin America, Amerindians through foreign colonization, Francis J.M., 2010.

Authoritative yet accessible, the four-volume Encyclopedia of Latin America covers the history and culture of Central America, South America, and the Caribbean from early settlements to the present day. Each volume focuses on a specific time period in the area's development. The first volume explores prehistory through the achievements of the Incas in the 16th century, and the second volume covers the arrival of the Spanish, colonization, and independence movements until the 1820s. Volume III examines Latin America's search for its own identity from the middle of the 19th century to the start of the 20th, and the fourth volume focuses on Latin America as it asserts itself in international politics, experiences the effects of globalization, and becomes an influential area worldwide, from the 20th century through the present day. Volumes offer in-depth, heavily cross-referenced A-to-Z entries, drawing readers into the histories of ancient civilizations, colonization, celebrated independence leaders, national and regional political debates, and the daily lives and achievements of the many peoples who have occupied the area. Each volume begins with an introduction to the time period, followed by a detailed chronology. A collection of primary source documents at the end of each volume gives a firsthand account of the major developments of the era. A glossary, bibliography, and index in each volume, a cumulative index in Volume IV, and 250 black-and-white images and maps round out this attractive and reliable resource on Latin America.

Encyclopedia of Latin America, Amerindians through foreign colonization, Francis J.M., 2010
Скачать и читать Encyclopedia of Latin America, Amerindians through foreign colonization, Francis J.M., 2010

Аэробика во рту, Куринский В.А., 2004

Аэробика во рту, Куринский В.А., 2004.

   Данное пособие революционизирует изучение иностранных языков Вместо традиционного "слухачества" предлагается начинать изучение с овладения (с первых минут занятий) правильными движенческими навыками на изучаемых языках.
Просто и доступно проводится языковой тренинг, учебная тренировка движений речевого аппарата, которые надо довести до автоматизма, как в родном языке
Вводится понятие "изготовок" для английского, французского, немецкого языков "Аэробика во рту" является составной (практической) частью книг В. А. Куринского, в частности, книги "Автодидактика” и "Когда нет гувернантки", в которых автор излагает впервые в мире системно разработанное им новое научное направление — Постпсихологическую Автодидактику
Обучение предартикулятивным настройкам, артикулятивной кинетике и национальному речевому тембру английского, французского и немецкого языков Каждый может научиться говорить без акцента.

Аэробика во рту, Куринский В.А., 2004
Скачать и читать Аэробика во рту, Куринский В.А., 2004

How English Works, A grammar practice book, With answers, Swan M., Walter C., 2000

How English Works, A grammar practice book, With answers, Swan M., Walter C., 2000.

   How English Works makes grammar practice interesting. Rules are easy to understand and remember; exercises entertain as well as teach. Learners who want to use the book for self study are guided in their learning, and teachers who want to use the book in class will find extra exercises for group work. If you are an intermediate or advanced learner.

How English Works, A grammar practice book, With answers, Swan M., Walter C., 2000
Скачать и читать How English Works, A grammar practice book, With answers, Swan M., Walter C., 2000
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