Все для школьников, студентов, учащихся, преподавателей и родителей - Обучалка - Obuchalka.org

Британские политические традиции, Либерализм, Консерватизм, Социализм, курс лекций, Кручинина Н.А., 2014

28.02.22 11:45
Британские политические традиции, Либерализм, Консерватизм, Социализм, Курс лекций, Кручинина Н.А., 2014.
   Курс лекции посвящен истории основных идейно-политических течений Великобритании в XVII - начале XXI в. Основное внимание уделено эволюции философско-политических концепций и истории крупнейших политических партий.
Учебное пособие рассчитано на студентов гуманитарных специальностей - историков, политологов, философов, а также на преподавателей высших учебных заведений и всех, кто интересуется историей Великобритании Нового и Новейшего времени.

Британские политические традиции, Либерализм, Консерватизм, Социализм, Курс лекций, Кручинина Н.А., 2014
Скачать и читать Британские политические традиции, Либерализм, Консерватизм, Социализм, курс лекций, Кручинина Н.А., 2014

Oxford Word Skills, Upper-Intermediate-Advanced Vocabulary, Gairns R., Redman S., 2020

28.02.22 11:36
Oxford Word Skills, Upper-Intermediate-Advanced Vocabulary, Gairns R., Redman S., 2020.
   Oxford Word Skills is a series of three books for students to learn and practise new vocabulary.
Each level contains 100 units of vocabulary presentation and practice, with a unit being 1-2 pages, depending on the size of the topic. New vocabulary is presented in manageable chunks, then immediately followed up with practice exercises, usually on the same page.
The units are grouped within modules containing 3-10 units. A majority of the modules are topic-based, e.g.
People, Food and drink, Study and work, but some modules have a language focus, e.g. Prepositions, Adjectives and adverbs, Verbs.

Oxford Word Skills, Upper-Intermediate-Advanced Vocabulary, Gairns R., Redman S., 2020
Скачать и читать Oxford Word Skills, Upper-Intermediate-Advanced Vocabulary, Gairns R., Redman S., 2020

Oxford Word Skills, Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, Intermediate Vocabulary, Gairns R., Redman S., 2020

28.02.22 11:24
Oxford Word Skills, Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, Intermediate Vocabulary, Gairns R., Redman S., 2020.
   Oxford Word Skills is a series of three books for students to learn and practise new vocabulary.
Each level contains 100 units of vocabulary presentation and practice, with a unit being 1-2 pages, depending on the size of the topic. New vocabulary is presented in manageable chunks, then immediately followed up with practice exercises, usually on the same page.
The units are grouped within modules containing 3-10 units. A majority of the modules are topic-based, e.g.
People, Food and drink, Study and work, but some modules have a language focus, e.g. Prepositions, Adjectives and adverbs, Verbs.

Oxford Word Skills, Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, Intermediate Vocabulary, Gairns R., Redman S., 2020
Скачать и читать Oxford Word Skills, Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, Intermediate Vocabulary, Gairns R., Redman S., 2020

Oxford Word Skills, Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, Elementary Vocabulary, Gairns R., Redman S., 2020

28.02.22 11:10
Oxford Word Skills, Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, Elementary Vocabulary, Gairns R., Redman S., 2020.
   Oxford Word Skills is a series of three books for students to learn and practise new vocabulary.
Each level contains 100 units of vocabulary presentation and practice, with a unit being 1-2 pages, depending on the size of the topic. New vocabulary is presented in manageable chunks, then immediately followed up with practice exercises, usually on the same page.
The units are grouped within modules containing 3-10 units. A majority of the modules are topic-based, e.g.
People, Food and drink, Study and work, but some modules have a language focus, e.g. Prepositions, Adjectives and adverbs, Verbs.

Oxford Word Skills, Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, Elementary Vocabulary, Gairns R., Redman S., 2020
Скачать и читать Oxford Word Skills, Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, Elementary Vocabulary, Gairns R., Redman S., 2020

Oxford Word Skills, Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, Advanced, Gairns R., Redman S., 2011

27.02.22 18:01
Oxford Word Skills, Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, Advanced, Gairns R., Redman S., 2011.
   Idioms and Phrasal Verbs forms part of the Oxford Word Skills vocabulary series. It is a series of two books for students to learn, practise, and revise everyday English idioms and phrasal verbs.
Each book contains 60 units of vocabulary presentation and practice. Units are one or two pages long, depending on the topic. New vocabulary is presented in manageable quantities for learners, with practice exercises following immediately, usually on the same page. The units are grouped together thematically in modules of rive to nine units. At the end of each module there are further practice exercises in the review units, so that learners can revise and test themselves on the vocabulary learned.

Oxford Word Skills, Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, Advanced, Gairns R., Redman S., 2011
Скачать и читать Oxford Word Skills, Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, Advanced, Gairns R., Redman S., 2011

Oxford Word Skills, Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, Intermediate, Gairns R., Redman S., 2011

27.02.22 17:47
Oxford Word Skills, Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, Intermediate, Gairns R., Redman S., 2011.
   Idioms and Phrasal Verbs forms part of the Oxford Word Skills vocabulary series. It is a series of two books for students to learn, practise, and revise everyday English idioms and phrasal verbs.
Each book contains 60 units of vocabulary presentation and practice. Units are one or two pages long, depending on the topic. New vocabulary is presented in manageable quantities for learners, with practice exercises following immediately, usually on the same page. The units are grouped together thematically in modules of rive to nine units. At the end of each module there are further practice exercises in the review units, so that learners can revise and test themselves on the vocabulary learned.

Oxford Word Skills, Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, Intermediate, Gairns R., Redman S., 2011
Скачать и читать Oxford Word Skills, Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, Intermediate, Gairns R., Redman S., 2011

Oxford Word Skills, Intermediate, Gairns R., Redman S., 2008

27.02.22 17:18
Oxford Word Skills, Intermediate, Gairns R., Redman S., 2008.
   Oxford Word Skills is a series of three books for students to learn, practise and revise new vocabulary.
Each book contains 80 units of vocabulary presentation and practice. Units are between one and three pages long, depending on the topic. New vocabulary is presented in manageable quantities for learners, with practice exercises following immediately, usually on the same page. The units are grouped together thematically in modules of five to ten units. At the end of each module there are further practice exercises in the review units, so that learners can revise and test themselves on the vocabulary learned.

Oxford Word Skills, Intermediate, Gairns R., Redman S., 2008
Скачать и читать Oxford Word Skills, Intermediate, Gairns R., Redman S., 2008

Oxford Word Skills, Basic, Gairns R., Redman S., 2008

27.02.22 16:59
Oxford Word Skills, Basic, Gairns R., Redman S., 2008.
   Oxford Word Skills is a series of three books for students to learn, practise and revise new vocabulary.
Each book contains 80 units of vocabulary presentation and practice. Units are between one and three pages long, depending on the topic. New vocabulary is presented in manageable quantities for learners, with practice exercises following immediately, usually on the same page. The units are grouped together thematically in modules of five to ten units. At the end of each module there are further practice exercises in the review units, so that learners can revise and test themselves on the vocabulary learned.

Oxford Word Skills, Basic, Gairns R., Redman S., 2008
Скачать и читать Oxford Word Skills, Basic, Gairns R., Redman S., 2008
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RSS лента ГДЗ, ЕГЭ, ГИА, подготовка к экзаменам, книги, наука и обучение, презентации, словари, все для преподавателей, школьников 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 и 11 класса и студентов. А ты НАШОЛ то, что тебе нужно?Подписаться на RSS ленту ГДЗ, ЕГЭ, ГИА, подготовка к экзаменам, книги, готовые домашние задания, наука и обучение, анекдоты, презентации, словари, все для преподавателей, школьников для всех классов и студентов всех курсов. А ты Нашёл то, что тебе нужно?