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A practical english grammar, Thomson A.J., Martinet A.V., 1990

20.12.22 17:50
A practical english grammar, Thomson A.J., Martinet A.V., 1990.

Preface to the fourth edition.

A Practical English Grammar is intended for intermediate and post-intermediate students. We hope that more advanced learners and teachers will also find it useful. The book is a comprehensive survey of structures and forms, written in clear modern English and illustrated with numerous examples. Areas of particular difficulty have been given special attention. Differences between conversational usage and strict grammatical forms are shown but the emphasis is on conversational forms.

A practical english grammar, Thomson A.J., Martinet A.V., 1990

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Большой финско-русский словарь, Вахрос И., Щербаков А., 2007

20.12.22 17:46
Большой финско-русский словарь, Вахрос И., Щербаков А., 2007.  

Настоящий словарь составлен финскими лингвистами в сотрудничестве с Институтом языка, литературы и истории Карельского филиала Академии наук СССР (теперь Институт языка, литературы и истории Карельского научного центра РАН). Словарь содержит свыше 250 000 слов и словосочетаний финского языка. В нём широко представлена финская фразеология, отражена также областная и фольклорная лексика. Словарь включает большое количество терминологии как общественно-политической, так и научно технической, с учетом направленности экономики Финляндии. Как приложение к словарю даны: Список географических названий (с включением некоторого количества топонимов по территории Финляндии, скандинавских стран и Карелии), Список употребляемых в финском языке сокращений, а также таблицы склонения финских имен и спряжения финских глаголов — Типы склонения и спряжения. Словарь предназначается для специалистов по финскому языку, научных работников, переводчиков как в Финляндии, так и в России. Он будет также необходим лицам, изучающим финский язык, и финнам, изучающим русский язык.

Большой финско-русский словарь, Вахрос И., Щербаков А., 2007
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Learn to Read English Words, Мкртчян И.Г., 1977

20.12.22 17:38
Learn to Read English Words, Мкртчян И.Г., 1977.

Целью пособия является выработка навыка чтения английских слов на основе умения ориентироваться в структуре слова и применения правил чтения. Пособие может быть использовано в качестве коррективного курса на всех этапах обучения.

Learn to Read English Words, Мкртчян И.Г., 1977

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Accent reduction, made easy, drills for an American accent, Wellborn J., 1997

20.12.22 17:34
Accent reduction, made easy, drills for an American accent, Wellborn J., 1997.

GENERAL PRINCIPLES ON THE PRONUNCIATION OF ADDED FINAL "s." As you may know, most nouns in English show the plural by adding an "s" at the end of the word, and for verbs, the third person singular, present tense, adds an "s," as in he waves. If the sound that precedes the "s" is voiced, then the "s" is voiced and is pronounced / z /: labs, tags, waves. If the sound that precedes the "s" is unvoiced, then the "s" is usually unvoiced and is pronounced / s /: laps, tacks, waifs.

Скачать и читать Accent reduction, made easy, drills for an American accent, Wellborn J., 1997

Just, for class or self-study, listening and speaking, Harmer J., 2004

20.12.22 17:28
Just, for class or self-study, listening and speaking, Harmer J., 2004.

For the student.

Just Listening and Speaking (Intermediate) is part of an integrated series of books designed for you to study on your own, or together with other students and a teacher. It will help you improve your listening and speaking skills in English. We have chosen the listening extracts and speaking tasks carefully to offer an interesting and challenging mix of topics and activities. With the listening extracts there are exercises to help you understand them and learn new language from them. In the speaking activities we help you do the tasks successfully. You can also listen to other people doing the same tasks.

Just, for class or self-study, listening and speaking, Harmer J., 2004

Скачать и читать Just, for class or self-study, listening and speaking, Harmer J., 2004

New english file, pre-intermediate test booklet, Quintana J., 2005

20.12.22 17:21
New english file, pre-intermediate test booklet, Quintana J., 2005.

The A and В tests.

There are two versions (A and B) of each File test and the End-of-course test, except the Speaking tests, which are designed for students to do in pairs. To prevent students from copying each other, make sure that a student with an A test is sitting next to a student with а В test. The two tests cover exactly the same material, but the questions have been changed and reorganized to make it almost impossible for students to copy answers. If copying isn't a problem with your class, you can just use the A tests. The skills tests include KET-type exercises which reflect the format of the KET exam.

New english file, pre-intermediate test booklet, Quintana J., 2005

Скачать и читать New english file, pre-intermediate test booklet, Quintana J., 2005

Rapid review of english grammar, Praninskas J., 1959

20.12.22 17:16
Rapid review of english grammar, Praninskas J., 1959.


Rapid Review of English Grammar is not a text for beginners. Neither is it "intermediate" or "advanced." It is a remedial text, designed for students whose knowledge of English is extensive but imperfect when they come to the United States to study in our colleges and universities. It is intended mainly for students who need English as a tool, rather than for those who plan to specialize in the language or to teach it. In the 24 lessons, which can be mastered in one semester of intensive study, Rapid Review of English Grammar includes all of the inflectional forms, all of the basic word-order patterns of American-English sentences, and many of the more difficult uses of function words. The material is presented in the form of an integrated course. The first few lessons deal with the simplest, most basic statement and question patterns. In later lessons it is shown how these basic patterns are combined and/or rearranged to produce longer, more complex sentences which express relationships between ideas. Some of the more difficult aspects of the language, such as the use of the definite article, the choice of prepositions, idioms, and two-word verbs are introduced in the early lessons, explained in greater detail in later ones, and reviewed toward the end of the course. A complete index is included for those who do not need to study the course but wish to use the book as a reference grammar.

Rapid review of english grammar, Praninskas J., 1959

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Практикум по теоретической грамматике английского языка, Блох М.Я., Семенова Т.Н., Тимофеева С.В., 2010

20.12.22 16:53
Практикум по теоретической грамматике английского языка, Блох М.Я., Семенова Т.Н., Тимофеева С.В., 2010.

Книга предназначена для студентов филологических факультетов университетов и факультетов иностранных языков педагогических вузов в качестве руководства для практических занятий по курсу теоретической грамматики английского языка. Она содержит тезисное представление основных положений грамматической теории, разбитое по семинарским темам, задания для самостоятельной работы по основным разделам морфологии, синтаксиса и грамматики текста, выдержки из работ лингвистов по кардинальным проблемам грамматики английского языка, тесты и глоссарии. Выходит в комплекте с учебниками М.Я. Блоха «Теоретическая грамматика английского языка» (на английском языке) и «Теоретические основы грамматики».

Практикум по теоретической грамматике английского языка, Блох М.Я., Семенова Т.Н., Тимофеева С.В., 2010

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