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Интенсивный Оксфордский самоучитель английского языка, том 2, Продолжающий курс, Хорнби А.С., 1992

27.12.22 10:56
Интенсивный Оксфордский самоучитель английского языка, Том II, Продолжающий курс, Хорнби А.С., 1992.   

Вторая часть известного во всем мире интенсивного курса английского языка, созданного оксфордским профессором Хорнби — продолжающий курс.

Интенсивный Оксфордский самоучитель английского языка, Том II, Продолжающий курс, Хорнби А.С., 1992
Скачать и читать Интенсивный Оксфордский самоучитель английского языка, том 2, Продолжающий курс, Хорнби А.С., 1992

English Grammar in Depth, Verbals, Употребление неличных форм глагола в английском языке, Минченков А.Г., 2014

27.12.22 10:54
English Grammar in Depth, Verbals, Употребление неличных форм глагола в английском языке, Минченков А.Г., 2014.

   В учебном пособии представлено современное описание неличных форм английского глагола (инфинитива, герундия, причастия). Оно состоит из двух частей — теоретической и практической. В теоретической части описаны формы и особенности употребления неличных форм глагола. Сложный материал представлен в доступной форме. Практическая часть включает в себя разнообразные виды упражнений, обеспечивающих прочное усвоение предложенного в первой части материала.
Пособие может быть использовано на занятиях по практической грамматике, а также для самостоятельной работы студентов.

English Grammar in Depth, Verbals, Употребление неличных форм глагола в английском языке, Минченков А.Г., 2014
Скачать и читать English Grammar in Depth, Verbals, Употребление неличных форм глагола в английском языке, Минченков А.Г., 2014

Русско-английский разговорник, Пикман А., 1991

27.12.22 10:51
Русско-английский разговорник, Пикман А., 1991.   

Предлагаемый „Русско-английский разговорник" — первое пособие для тех, кто желает овладеть английским языком, выпущенное СТ „РИМарк". Являясь оригинальным изданием, разговорник не претендует на абсолютно полное освещение предлагаемых читателю тем. Автор попытался дать многообразие вариантов общения, лексику по темам.

Русско-английский разговорник, Пикман А., 1991
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Email english, Emmerson P., 2013

27.12.22 10:49
Email english, Emmerson P., 2013.

   Learners of English at intermediate or upper-intermediate level who want to write better emails. It can be used by learners studying on their own, or with a teacher.

Email english, Emmerson P., 2013
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Basic vocabulary of closely related languages in contact, Egorov I.

27.12.22 10:37
Basic vocabulary of closely related languages in contact, Egorov I.

   The present paper provides two case studies of the basic vocabulary of the Turkic languages spoken on the Crimea Peninsula. Its aim is to illuminate the issues that a historical linguist, and in particular a phylogeneticist, faces when analyzing the basic vocabulary of closely related languages in a situation of intensive contact. The first case study is dedicated to the onomasiological reconstruction of the Proto-Karaim Swadesh list. The main problem here is detection of the West Oghuz loans and especially of contact-induced archaization (fake archaisms) in Crimean Karaim. The objective of the second case study is to identify the genealogical affiliation of the Crimean Tatar dialects. Both the manual analysis of the innovations in the basic vocabulary and the computational lexicostatistics (Bayesian approach, Neighborjoining, Maximum Parsimony Analysis) confirm the traditional view that the Coastal dialect belongs to the Oghuz subgroup, the Orta dialect – to the West Kipchak subgroup, and the Steppe dialect – to the Nogai Kipchak subgroup. Such affiliations fully fit the documented ethnic history. The correct genealogical affiliation of the dialects in question became possible only after exclusion of all the loans, which has not been done in previous lexicostatistical studies of Crimean Tatar. Both cases show that careful elimination of areal influences is crucial for semantic (onomasiological) reconstruction and phylogenetic studies.

Basic vocabulary of closely related languages in contact, Egorov I.
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Descriptive adequacy of early modern English gramma, Dons U., 2004

27.12.22 10:27
Descriptive adequacy of early modern English gramma, Dons U., 2004.

   This book deals with the development of a grammar-writing tradition during the Early Modern English period. It will evaluate the grammars on English published in this period with respect to their descriptive adequacy. With Chomsky (1965: 24-27), descriptively adequate grammars are understood to be works that describe the existing linguistic phenomena in an appropriate way and which "give a correct account of the linguistic intuition of the native speaker". Descriptive adequacy thus ranks higher than observational adequacy which merely aims at presenting the observed primary data correctly, and it is a prerequisite for the explanatory adequacy of grammar theories. The historical linguist, however, is faced with the problem of not being able to consult living native speakers to examine their competence and therefore has to rely on text corpora, which implies the neutralization of observational adequacy and descriptive adequacy.

Descriptive adequacy of early modern English gramma, Dons U., 2004
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The english grammar workbook for adults, DiGiacomo M., 2020

27.12.22 10:12
The english grammar workbook for adults, DiGiacomo M., 2020.

   This book is divided into two parts. The first part is a collection of the most practical and commonly used English grammar patterns. Each section is designed to give you a concise review of that grammar pattern, including its structure, meaning, and, most importantly, usage. At the end of each lesson, you’ll find an exercise to give you some practice. You can check your answers with the answer key at the back of the book.

The english grammar workbook for adults, DiGiacomo M., 2020
Скачать и читать The english grammar workbook for adults, DiGiacomo M., 2020

Causative constructions in Japanese and English, Ciubancan M., 2014

27.12.22 10:02
Causative constructions in Japanese and English, Ciubancan M., 2014.

   This book presents a contrastive analysis of causative constructions in Japanese and English. In view of the title, both syntactic and semantic aspects regarding causative constructions are taken into account, the discussion of the semantic aspects preceding however the analysis of the syntactic behavior of causatives. The reason for that lies, in my opinion, in the impossibility of describing the syntax of causatives accurately without resorting to their semantic properties first.

Causative constructions in Japanese and English, Ciubancan M., 2014
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