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Exploring Australian English, Wilkes G.A., 1986

23.01.23 14:01
Exploring Australian English, Wilkes G.A., 1986.     

This booklet grew from a series of talks given over ABC radio in 1985 under the title ‘Exploring Australian English’. The response to the programs led me to think of a more extended treatment of the subject, which might still preserve the informal approach of the broadcast script. The topics are taken in broadly chronological order, although the treatment of contemporary usage ranges more freely. Each section can be read as a self-contained unit. This book has been a pleasant one to write. I am grateful to Helen Findlay and Georgina Bitcon for their expert help, and to Wilma Sharp for her care with the typescript.

Exploring Australian English, Wilkes G.A., 1986
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Webster s New World English Grammar Handbook, Loberger G., Welsh K., 2001

23.01.23 13:54
Webster's New World English Grammar Handbook, Loberger G., Welsh K., 2001.     

Whether you're in school or out in the work world, communicating clearly and correctly is key to your success. With easy-to-understand explanations of grammar rules and plenty of real-world examples and tips, this authoritative reference is just what you need to speak and write with confidence and ease.

Webster's New World English Grammar Handbook, Loberger G., Welsh K., 2001
Скачать и читать Webster s New World English Grammar Handbook, Loberger G., Welsh K., 2001

Learn How to Speak English Fluently, English Speaking Mastery in 7 Easy Steps, Vermani Y., 2021

23.01.23 13:46
Learn How to Speak English Fluently, English Speaking Mastery in 7 Easy Steps, Vermani Y., 2021.     

If you are good at writing English but always struggle to speak English fluently, this book is for you. The book is not useful to improve English grammar and vocabulary.

Learn How to Speak English Fluently, English Speaking Mastery in 7 Easy Steps, Vermani Y., 2021
Скачать и читать Learn How to Speak English Fluently, English Speaking Mastery in 7 Easy Steps, Vermani Y., 2021

English for Law Students = Английский язык, Учебное пособие по специальности «Правоведение», Васючкова О.И., Долгорукова А.И., Крюковская И.В., Хорень Р.В., Шуплецова С.А., 2010

23.01.23 13:28
English for Law Students = Английский язык, Учебное пособие по специальности «Правоведение», Васючкова О.И., Долгорукова А.И., Крюковская И.В., Хорень Р.В., Шуплецова С.А., 2010.     

Настоящее пособие представляет собой тематически организованный учебно-методический комплекс по проблемам, представляющим интерес для студентов-правоведов: профессия юриста, история государства и права, конституционное право, уголовное право, деятельность правоохранительных органов, судов, уголовный и гражданский процесс, пенитенциарная система. Каждый тематический раздел состоит из аутентичных (ам. и брит.) монологических и диалогических текстов с заданиями для разных видов чтения и аудирования, грамматического блока. Цель пособия – обучить студентов чтению, реферированию, пониманию на слух текстов по специальности и ведению дискуссии на профессионально значимые темы.

English for Law Students = Английский язык, Учебное пособие по специальности «Правоведение», Васючкова О.И., Долгорукова А.И., Крюковская И.В., Хорень Р.В., Шуплецова С.А., 2010
Скачать и читать English for Law Students = Английский язык, Учебное пособие по специальности «Правоведение», Васючкова О.И., Долгорукова А.И., Крюковская И.В., Хорень Р.В., Шуплецова С.А., 2010

World wonders 1, Test book, Heath J.

23.01.23 13:19
World wonders 1, Test book, Heath J.

Фрагмент из книги.
Camping is good because it isn't expensive. Summer is the best time of the year for camping because it's warm. You can camp in many places. You can make a fire and cook meals. It's great fun! You must bring a tent and a sleeping bag. You must also bring a lot of food because there aren't usually many shops near camping areas.

World wonders 1, Test book, Heath J.
Скачать и читать World wonders 1, Test book, Heath J.

Childrens Picture Dictionary, Graham C., 2003

23.01.23 13:13
Childrens Picture Dictionary, Graham C., 2003.

   The Longman Children's Picture Dictionary presents 800 words and phrases within 50 beautifully illustrated and photographed Topics. The dictionary is divided into two sections. The first section contains 50 double-page illustrations. The second section contains an alphabetical word list, a thematic word list, a dialogs index and the complete lyrics for the 50 songs and chants.

Childrens Picture Dictionary, Graham C., 2003
Купить бумажную или электронную книгу и скачать и читать Childrens Picture Dictionary, Graham C., 2003

Nuclear English, Language Skills for a Globalizi Industry, Gorlin S., 2005

23.01.23 13:01
Nuclear English, Language Skills for a Globalizi Industry, Gorlin S., 2005.

   Nuclear English is a flexible course that can be used according to individual needs. Because the units in the book are organized by topic rather than by difficulty, you can study them in any order. Use the Contents pages to choose a unit or section that interests you or is relevant to your work. Alternatively, if your aim by using Nuclear English is to improve your Grammar, Listening or Pronunciation, read the relevant section below.

Nuclear English, Language Skills for a Globalizi Industry, Gorlin S., 2005
Скачать и читать Nuclear English, Language Skills for a Globalizi Industry, Gorlin S., 2005
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