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Train Your Head & Your Body Will Follow, Reach Any Goal in 3 Minutes a Day, Weston S., 2018

04.05.23 13:59
Train Your Head & Your Body Will Follow, Reach Any Goal in 3 Minutes a Day, Weston S., 2018.

Sandy’s goal was to create a book and guide that allows you to redirect your thoughts in a positive, focused manner. This book is the culmination—lighthearted and fun, it presents easy ways to learn a few simple changes you can make in your life, and why these will help you enjoy life more. After many years of hands-on research and collaboration with top professors, Sandy has put together a 90-day guide book and journal, written for the everyday person to help get their head in the game and see results instantly. Train your head, and your body will follow. This is a combination of a love and passion for fitness, food, science, spirituality, positive psychology, and people, all rolled into one. All our habits, everything we want, is because we believe we’ll feel better once we have it. Sandy will teach you to feel better first, which will better allow you to reach your goals.

Train Your Head & Your Body Will Follow, Reach Any Goal in 3 Minutes a Day, Weston S., 2018
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Solving ODE s with Matlab, Shampine L., Thompson S., Gladwell I., 2003

04.05.23 13:51
Solving ODE's with Matlab, Shampine L., Thompson S., Gladwell I., 2003.

From the Publisher: This book is for people who need to solve ordinary differential equations (ODEs), both initial value problems (IVPs) and boundary value problems (BVPs) as well as delay differential equations (DDEs). These topics are usually taught in separate courses of length one semester each, but solving ODEs with Matlab provides a sound treatment of all three in about 250 pages. The chapters on each of these topics begin with a discussion of "the facts of life" for the problem, mainly by means of examples. Numerical methods for the problem are then developed - but only the methods most widely used. Although the treatment of each method is brief and technical issues are minimized, the issues important in practice and for understanding the codes are discussed. Often solving a real problem is much more than just learning how to call a code. The last part of each chapter is a tutorial that shows how to solve problems by means of small but realistic examples.

Solving ODE's with Matlab, Shampine L., Thompson S., Gladwell I., 2003
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Snap, Change Your Personality in 30 Days, Small G., Vorgan G., 2018

04.05.23 13:35
Snap, Change Your Personality in 30 Days, Small G., Vorgan G., 2018.

Most of us feel “stuck with ourselves” at one time or another – and that negative aspects of our personality are deeply ingrained from childhood or genetics so therefore cannot be altered. But new studies have shown that changing aspects of your personality IS possible, giving new hope to anyone who wants to improve results in personal, family, business, and civic relationships. Based on the latest information from the fields of neuroscience and psychology, Dr. Gary Small presents a proven program anyone can use to assess their strengths and weaknesses, and then work on changing their negatives to positives. Small provides step-by-step advice that can show results in as little as 30 days.

Snap, Change Your Personality in 30 Days, Small G., Vorgan G., 2018
Скачать и читать Snap, Change Your Personality in 30 Days, Small G., Vorgan G., 2018

The School Revolution, A New Answer for Our Broken Education System, Paul R., 2013

04.05.23 13:28
The School Revolution, A New Answer for Our Broken Education System, Paul R., 2013.

Twelve-term Texas Congressman, Presidential candidate, and #1 New York Times bestselling author Ron Paul returns with a highly provocative treatise about how we need to fundamentally change the way we think about America's broken education system in order to fix it. Whether or not you have children, you know that education is vital to the prosperity and future of our society. Yet our current system simply doesn't work. Parents feel increasingly powerless, and nearly half of Americans give our schools a grade of "C". Now, in his new book, Ron Paul attacks the problem head-on and provides a focused solution that centers on strong support for home schooling and the application of free market principles to the American education system. Examining the history of education in this country, Dr. Paul identifies where we've gone wrong, what we can do about it, and how we can change the way we think about education in order to provide a brighter future for Americans.

The School Revolution, A New Answer for Our Broken Education System, Paul R., 2013
Скачать и читать The School Revolution, A New Answer for Our Broken Education System, Paul R., 2013

Экономика переходного периода, политика, рынки, фирмы, Ролан Ж., 2012

04.05.23 13:02
Экономика переходного периода, Политика, рынки, фирмы, Ролан Ж., 2012.

Основная целевая установка книги отражена уже в ее названии: автор стремится извлечь уроки для экономической науки из опыта переходных экономик и в частности понять, почему теория оказалась не в состоянии указать пути более эффективных преобразований.

Экономика переходного периода, Политика, рынки, фирмы, Ролан Ж., 2012
Скачать и читать Экономика переходного периода, политика, рынки, фирмы, Ролан Ж., 2012

How to Have a Great Life, 35 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Success, Fulfillment and Happiness, McGee P., 2018

04.05.23 12:50
How to Have a Great Life, 35 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Success, Fulfillment and Happiness, McGee P., 2018.

How to Have a Great Life starts with you–your strengths and amazing potential and how to develop those. It helps you understand how to tap into your ability to grow, while equipping you with insights, inspiration, and practical tools to deal with whatever life throws your way in order to achieve success and live a happy and fulfilled life.

How to Have a Great Life, 35 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Success, Fulfillment and Happiness, McGee P., 2018
Скачать и читать How to Have a Great Life, 35 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Success, Fulfillment and Happiness, McGee P., 2018

Английский язык, 3 класс, сборник упражнений, Сахаров Е.В., Бахтина М.Л., Романова К.К., 2018

04.05.23 12:46
Английский язык, 3 класс, Сборник упражнений, Сахаров Е.В., Бахтина М.Л., Романова К.К., 2018.

   Сборник упражнений является дополнительным компонентом УМК серии «Звездный английский» для 3 класса общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. Сборник содержит разнообразные задания и упражнения к каждому модулю учебника, направленные на развитие навыков письменной речи и на повторение изученного лексико-грамматического материала.

Английский язык, 3 класс, Сборник упражнений, Сахаров Е.В., Бахтина М.Л., Романова К.К., 2018
Купить бумажную или электронную книгу и скачать и читать Английский язык, 3 класс, сборник упражнений, Сахаров Е.В., Бахтина М.Л., Романова К.К., 2018

Английский язык, 4 класс, книга для учителя, Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубанева Н.Н., 2012

04.05.23 12:40
Английский язык, 4 класс, Книга для учителя, Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубанева Н.Н., 2012.

   Книга для учителя является составной частью учебно-методического комплекта „Английский с удовольствием" (4 класс). В книге для учителя наряду с описанием авторской концепции курса, его основных целей и принципов содержатся рекомендации по обучению коммуникативным умениям и языковым навыкам, тематическое планирование, примерные конспекты уроков, ключи к упражнениям и разделам “Test yourself” и “Progress check” учебника и рабочим тетрадям №1,2, критерии оценивания умений устной речи, тексты для аудирования, выражения классного обихода, тексты песен и рифмовок, сценарии внеклассных мероприятий на английском языке, материал для копирования.

Английский язык, 4 класс, Книга для учителя, Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубанева Н.Н., 2012
Купить бумажную или электронную книгу и скачать и читать Английский язык, 4 класс, книга для учителя, Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубанева Н.Н., 2012
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